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Monday, 24 November 2014

Three Big Mistakes Girls Do When They Get In Relationship

Well as we all know that love has become a trend now a days. One could easily get someone to love or we can say some one to be with for a while. For a guy, to get the girl of his dream, all it needs his status, his money, his popularity or yeah of course his LOOKS and for a girl to be famous among boys or men, it needs a lot f make up, hot dresses, hot appearance and yeah an attractive body and face. Have you ever heard that an average looking girl is dating a cool dude?? Have you ever heard that a poor or ugly faced guy is dating a hot chick? Yeah you must have heard it but for sure in stories. All does it matters the status of the another person. Now a days, i hardly get some true love kinda tales. Now a days love is like, meeting, feeling special, trying all the possible thing to make them your yours, then for some month or weeks or days that lobby dobby feelings then getting irritated of course no one wants the other person to judge our life and at last some emotional mello drama and lastly break up. Well my words are quite harsh but all these are something which i call REALITY. Face it or ignore it. It will remain same. If accidentally you get someone better than you and each night you sleep with a fear of not loosing them then all you have to take care of some things. 

1) Never pretend them that you have only they to make you feel good. Do not let them feel that you can't move a long without them. Here i have a question for you girls,,why do you feel so insecure about your guy?? I mean if he had to cheat you then he would do it. No matter what and if his intentions are good and he just loves you then no other girl can steal him from you then why to get mad over each single thing and make thing worse. 

2) Don't expect much. Well this is one of the most important and necessary thing you should take care off. Well i know that whenever we become someone's dear one so expecting things from them is quite common thing and it is good sometimes too but do not expects a lot. Instead of expecting your bf to make you feel special, do something which will amaze him.  

3) Instead of his girlfriend, be his best friend first. Don't act like his mumma. Be his guy friend so that whenever he needs something to share, he won't hesitate but if you'l keep taunting him over silly issues then he might get irritated from all these. If not today then maybe later but keep in mind, he will. 

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